Thursday, January 1, 2015

Have you?

Have you ever wondered why?  If not,why?  I know I'm being a little obtuse with the second question but I can be that way, besides, how else am I going to get this conversation started.

I remember as a kid getting a book title "Tell me why".  What a great book!  It had all of the answers to all of the questions I must have been bugging my parents with.  I spent a lot of time reading that book.  Anytime I had a question that had "why" in it I went straight to that book to find the answer.

Who knew you could find all of the answers to all of your questions in a single book!

It turns out you couldn't, because the following year I received the second book in the series, "Still More Tell Me Why."  The second book was not nearly as good as the first book, how could it be?  I mean, all of the worlds answers were held in that one book and a second book seemed like overkill and a lot like a snot nosed kid asking why just to push his parents buttons.

Now all of these years later, at least 40 and more than likely closer to 45, there has been a book written called "Start with Why." Sorry, I already did but I'm game and Daniel Pink did write another book I enjoyed named "Drive" and I do enjoy doing that, driving that is.  I like reading too but my attention span still isn't what it used toor needs to be to read all of the books I want to.  Let alone all of the books I have already purchased.

By now you're probably wondering, why? Why did I write this? Which leads to another question, what does it all mean?!  That's a question for another day. Back to why.

I wrote this because I have been trying to write for years but have never made an effort to achieve my goal. Well, it is the first of the year and it seemed like the perfect time to get on the perverbial bicycle and start peddling!  More to follow.  Enjoy!

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